The Green Club

The Green Club is a green-sports initiative based upon the simple mantra: High club funds. Low emissions.

The Green Club

The Green Club is a green-sports initiative based upon the simple mantra: High club funds. Low emissions.

We love it when people come together to do something good. Together with the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB), we branded The Green Club (De Groene Club); a super-club where football clubs increase their sustainability.

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At the core of The Green Club is a belief that great sportsmanship translates to taking great care of the world you sport in. It comes to effect in a 5-step plan to coach clubs towards a more sustainable future. From finding quick wins in energy saving to designing a robust financial plan to invest in renewable sources.

Together with Liebe Leute, we set up a successful process. We are well on our way to make all dutch sports clubs 'greener' creatively and effectively.

We developed the branding and communications based on the insight that facts and figures about financial benefits convince people when they transition to ‘green’. By converting the bare numbers into accessible information athletes can relate to, we inspire them. We put the ‘circular’ icon into the letter G, set the bright green colour at the centre, and developed the tagline: High club funds. Low emissions.
Euro cost savings total per year
m3 gas savings total per year
kWh electricity savings total per year

Want to know more? Please contact Marvin Pupping.
+31 (0)6 41 85 23 61

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